Thursday, February 01, 2007

say hello to good times

Have I said before that I like messing with people's heads on the interweb?

catering: whats your name
Me: Ivana
catering: pretty name
Me: my parents thought so
Me: I would much rather not be named the
same thing as anyone who married donald trump
catering: true that
catering: are you bored
Me: yep
catering: me too unfortunatly
catering: so what do you to pass boredom
Me: pee
catering: are you doing that now
Me: yes, I have a laptop computer for just
such a reason
catering: sweet
catering: so what do you do for fun
Me: I told you dude!
Me: I pee while talking to sexy men on the
catering: you think i am sexy
Me: yeah. You and peeing are like, my two favorite things
catering: ok
catering: so whats your name
Me: I told you already
catering: i am forgetful
catering: sorry ivanna
Me: ah
catering: i ll make it up for you
Me: oh?
catering: yeah
catering: how could i
Me: describe how you pee
catering: standing with it in my hand
Me: oh yeah
Me: work that pee
catering: i d like to work you
Me: with your giant love weasel?
catering: yes
Me: first you have to let me pee on you
catering: ok
Me: it smells delicious
Me: like asparagus
catering: you look like
Me: I like to think of myself as a cross between Meryl Streep and Katherine Hepburn
Me: with a tiny bit of Bea Arthur thrown in
catering: sweet
Me: as a diabetic's blood
catering: lol
catering: you have a pic
Me: of your mom
Me: we totally did it last night
catering: sweet
Me: I was surprised she let me do anal
Me: I mean, we barely know each other
Me: well aside from when I sat on her face about a week ago at a party
Me: your mom gives lousy oral
Me: but that ass don't quit


Ashley Amigoni said...

Now I see why you love to talk to weird people online. That is so hillarious!

Phoex said...

haha yeah :P

Oh man there was this guy I was talking to at the same time who was less weird but I started telling him that my favorite hobby is photoshopping goat penises onto the virgin mary.

OH and Opt told me she just like kept telling this guy she burns dead hookers and then finally was like, "I think I've had about all the fun I can have with this!" and left.