Friday, February 16, 2007


Me: man... sorry for kind of dragging you down
Ryan: it's okay
Ryan: I'm still feelin' all right
Me: that's because you aren't a whiney emo girl like me
Ryan: sometimes I am
Ryan: tonight I'm too tired to be
Me: "Ryan attributes his survival to being too tired to fucking kill himself"
Ryan: haha mostly
Me: I guess you plan to have kids someday though
Me: whereas when I'm dead I'm just dead and a waste of space
Ryan: bah
Ryan: even if you don't have kids
Ryan: you leave your mark
Ryan: it's all the cool stories people have from hanging out with you
Me: haha, for reals?
Ryan: yeah
Me: what's your favorite me story?
Ryan: Hmm probably sitting up late at my parents' cabin that one night, feeling really shitt, and then getting into that long hilarious conversation about that wig website
Ryan: I seriously hurt from laughing so much
Me: haha that was awesome
Ryan: yeah
Ryan: I was really depressed, and I felt a million times better laughing at all those stupid wigs
Ryan: oh and of course you getting us nearly lost like.. every time we went anywhere when I was visiting
Ryan: and the pinacle of that was the place like.. RIGHT behind your apartment
Me: haha you actually liked that?
Ryan: haha it made for an adventure any time we went anywhere
Ryan: and something else for me to mock you for
Me: haha
Me: I like how determined you were that I should watch K pax
Ryan: haha
Me: like you kept yelling at me during it so I wouldn't sleep
Ryan: and it was good wasn't it!
Me: it was alright
Ryan: okay well at least it wasn't total crap like you thought it would be
Me: haha and making me watch fucking Legend and I kept being afraid the hipster video people had put it down their pants
Ryan: hahah
Me: most of the movies were pretty good though
Ryan: yeah, some you had to watch just because they're movies you need to see
Ryan: not because they were super awesome
Me: yeah
Ryan: and hey, you made me watch the weird doll factory movie
Me: haha I apologized for that