So good things about today:
took my drug test. I think I pretty much have the new job in the bag unless someone stole my identity and has been committing crimes or someone has been drugging me. They also said I could have Monday afternoons off after training is done, so I'll be able to stay on PT at the store.
Bad things about today:
I got confused about when my training starts, and so I might have 10 days of no work. So good for a vacation, bad for money.
I tried cooking brownies again today and again, they wouldn't cook. Last time after like two hours I gave up and then had half cooked brownies sitting around. This time, I turned up the heat slightly and held out until it was completely cooked, but of course the edges are charred now. I used a different recipe, this recipe has actually been used in my oven before, so I'm thinking either the pan or the fact that life hates me is the reason it won't work this time. I am pissed if it is the pan, though, because I totally got this stupid pan with the sole ambition of brownie cooking. If it doesn't work, then I will have this goddamn pan laying around I can't use for anything else. I paid five bucks for you, stupid pan! I even went less cheap and got glass, because you said you heated more evenly. Where am I going to put you? You're only worth taking up space if you cook my goddamn brownies!
I did, however, have success cooking ghetto rice egg cheese mushroom dish again for the second time. Opt taught me this, and it is a good way to get rid of eggs you buy thinking you can cook brownies. Last time I put garlic in it, and it was slightly gross. This time I didn't, and it is way better.
I'm hopped up on Dr. Pepper because I wanted something that would make me able to pee for my drug test. As well as being hopped up, my colon is hating me.
Also they're working on something on my street so I can't park where I want to.
The good things actually kind of outweigh the bad things though, because even though they are fewer they are about more important stuff than the bad things.
Monday, February 19, 2007
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Ovens are a PITA. I tend to cook at lower temps for longer times for the sake of evenness of baking. The glass dish should help. Don't be mad at the glass. :)
Also, is your oven temp really what it says on the oven dial? Maybe borrowing an oven thermometer would help you know what is actually happening temperature-wise, instead of having to trust the setting on the dial.
Yeah, I just found you again. Today, I logged in to myspace, and read the msg you sent five months ago about your new blog URL. Obviously I'm not a regular at myspace. Hello again.
sounds like your oven isnt heating evenly, which is common if it has some age on it. Also, sometimes brownies seem undone when you take then out but will harden up once they cool off.. so the toothpick test doesn't work for them like with cakes.\\
Thanks you guys :D
I'm thinking maybe I was using too small of a pan, though, which makes the brownies really deep, which makes them not want to cook...
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