Sunday, December 24, 2006

Did I make you cry on Christmas? (well, you deserved it)

So..... Christmas Eve, where do I begin? I guess it was both better AND worse than last years.

Better because:

-it fell on a Sunday, so we weren't as busy most of the day as we were last year. Either way, though, I resent every fucking customer we get on Christmas eve, because if it weren't for them I would be at home with my family enjoying Christmas Eve otherwise. And it's just so... stupid. These people could've gotten their gift ANY OTHER TIME in the last 2 months. Spend some time with your goddamn family instead of buying them some stupid last minute gift you couldn't be bothered to get them back when we had whatever you wanted in stock anyway. Which we don't, now.

--boss-boss let me play my Sufjan album while we were open

-as a direct connection to it being less busy, I got to spend a lot of time in the back not dealing with these people

-also due to it not being busy, I didn't have to be at registers too much

-I also got to come in early, which meant I could leave earlier


-I had all this caffiene in the morning. It didn't really make me more hyper or energetic than usual (as far as I can tell) but I had a major crash after it wore off and I felt like crap.

-I said something stupid and got a friend mad at me

-I said something stupid and got a customer complaint about me

-there was no Man Who Saved Christmas (the guy who bought a neon pink christmas tree and let me wrap it in kwanzaa paper last year)

-I hate my job in general a lot more than I did last year, not just hating the christmas rush

Same: hanging out with my parents. You know, I really do love them at Christmas. And not because of the gifts (well a little because of the gifts) but major holidays are kind of the few times my mom and I are guaranteed to not be at each other's throats. My mom cooked for me, my dad rented all these movies for us to watch, we played some Scene It?, opened some presents. During the movies I didn't even have to think*.... which is good, my brain is absolutely fried right now.

Tomorrow: hanging out with the whole family. A somewhat dicier prospect. We'll see.

Nebrasky: who gave you the cage key? (he's teasing me, by the way, not being an asshole)
Me: I gave myself the cage key.
Nebrasky: you're not authorized, you'll have to give it back
Me: you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands
*he and Thug have a laugh*
Me: Just try it, motherfucker.
Nebrasky: I enjoy Phoexx0r very much.

I also realized yet another reason I like emo today. I was listening to the Matches, and there's this song I really, really like that's basically about going to the beach while you have a cold and how miserable it is. But... it's so over the top, he just screams in anguished tones, "I'm busy decomposing below my skin!" and "I blew my brain out through my nose!"I figure if anyone can get that worked up over something that minor, I look less bad for being all constantly upset and worried over my own issues.

*Okay, I did do some thinking, during Superman anyway.

1) I liked some of the religious imagery, despite how obvious it was (Superman spreads out like he's crucified at one point, they keep talking about whether or not the world needs a "savior," and this is a different religion, but when he grabs the planet off the Daily Planet it is very Atlas-y. And again the very obvious metaphor "he has the whole world on his shoulders!")

2) Lois Lane is a total jerk. Now.... I don't know if she's a jerk in most of the books and/or movies, but I really didn't like her in this. I mean, there's always been the fact that she's an idiot if she can't tell someone with glasses is the same person, though I guess she can be somewhat forgiven by the rules of the story, considering somehow no one else can tell either. Still... I think if you like, make out with someone on a semi-regular basis, you could tell who they were even if they had a moderately good disguise. The other thing is a lot of superhero movies where the guy has dual identities, the love interest usually seems to have at least a little interest in the civilian identity. It's like... "I like that guy, but he could use a little more daaanger." Or "I'm torn between two lovers if only they were the same man!" sort of thing. But in this Lois is like... barely even Clark's friend. Like... whenever he even tries to say hi, she goes out of her way to be a jerk and ignore him. Like at one point she says she feels such a strong connection to Superman even though she doesn't know him that well, and I'm like, "where's the connection? The part of him that's not saving everyone every minute of the day you don't even care about. You're a superhero groupie, you jerk." Also you can totally tell she wants to leave her new guy to be with Superman even though he ditched her like five years ago without telling her why and has barely talked to her since he came back (so like even though he has a good reason and everything, she has no way of knowing that). And her new guy is a really good person, he flies this crappy-ass little airplane into the middle of a storm to save her and their child, and he doesn't know he's invincible the way Superman does, he really is risking his life to save them. So he doesn't necessarily have the same capacity to go around saving everyone all the time like Superman, or go around saving her all the time like Superman, but he has the instinct and tries at least.

3) I didn't really love Lex Luthor, because I pretty much hate Kevin Spacey in general on grounds that he is creepy. I'm sure he did a good job or whatever, though. But anyway, it made me curious what the whole story on Lex is, because usually supervillains have a reason (however crappy) but I couldn't really see why he's such a misanthropic son of a bitch, or got to be that way. And I usually find stuff like that more interesting than the squeeky clean hero's past.