Thursday, November 23, 2006

when I was a kid I saw a light

Yeah I know how today we're supposed to talk about how we're thankful and everything, but really what I'm going to do is post about how much ass yesterday sucked.

1) This pretty much ruined my whole day, I think the other things were more sort of an insult to injury thing. Anyway, I got a parking ticket for being more than 6 inches away from the curb. WHAT THE FUCK? Whenever I mention this to anyone they all are like, "they ticket you for that?" Because (maybe because they're better parkers than me or maybe the world hates me) no one else ever gets a parking ticket for that. This is the second time it's happened to me. And I guess the first time it was my fault, though I think I was parked perfectly safely. But this time, this fuckin' time, I COULDN'T park any closer to the curb because my asshole neighbors just had this fucking big pile of leaves spilling out into the street. It was either park there more than six inches from the curb, or park two blocks away. I guess its my fault for being lazy, because I fucking knew this was going to happen. It makes me so, so mad. Like all the time I think of buying a 20 dollar computer game or 10 dollar book I'd like, and all the time I don't, because I know I can't afford it. I save, and save, and scrimp, and scrimp.... and then I have to blow it all on a goddamn parking ticket. I know it's only 20 dollars, but that is a LOT of money to me. I make 200 dollars a week if I'm lucky.

2) I got another bastard at work who decided to hand me his rewards card after it had been in his mouth. WHAT THE FUCK, PEOPLE? I'm not going to go into how disgusting it is, because the last time this happened I did, but jesus, people. Why would you do this? And I find it a disturbing trend that I was at the store a year before this happened the first time, and it's only been like a month since the last time. Either everyone's going to start doing it soon, or it's the same dude and he's become a regular. Either is horrible.

3) The managers of the store really piss me off sometimes. I've been wanting to do stuff with the Black Friday Multimedia since it came in like two weeks ago. But Lister, since he is in control of inventory, kept wanting me to do inventory stuff instead. I really get tired of him having such a focus on that without seeing the whole store's bigger picture. Because all the time he wants me to do things anyone in the store could do, while I want to get things done that I'm the only one* who knows how to do them. Oh, and over half of the Black Friday stuff never got keepered, even though that IS something anyone could do, just because NO ONE WILL EVER LISTEN TO ME.

Then, another wonderful bit is they had me sort all this crap a few days ago. I wanted to price it while I was doing it, because doing them all at once takes less time than doing them separately. But they said if I just sorted it, they could have another employee sticker it later (this specific coworker has the mental capacity to sticker this stuff but not necessarily sort it). But then they never told this coworker to do it! No one did it! So I had to do it, and it all took way more time than if they'd just let me do what I wanted to do in the first place.

THEN, Lister wanted to pull me off doing this stuff, so that I could help straighten out the store, so that when we close the people straightening the store would have more time to... do what I was doing. I pointed out how stupid his logic was, but he didn't really care. Thankfully, I actually got done with it before I had to start straightening, so I didn't have to mentally debate whether or not to rip him a new one and get shit done or just do what he said and have everything I did implode on itself because it didn't get completely done before I left. Because yeah, it was simple stuff, you wouldn't think someone could fuck it up, but you don't even want to know how badly people screw up on simple things every day at the store. I never fully understood the phrase "if you want something done properly, do it yourself!" until a few months ago when I ended up taking on all of this stuff, and having it all screwed up every time I try and delegate it to anyone.

Things I AM thankful for:

-I get (Black) Friday off.
-My Mom makes the best turkey gravy EVER.
-I get two thanksgivings, of sorts, though I'm beginning to worry that one is going to be awkward. Baby stealer invited me over, and I'm not really going to eat, since I have my parents one to go to. I've been wanting to hang out with her for ages, though.
-My Sufjan Stevens Christmas album hopefully should have come by now.

* There actually are other people, but they are busy doing things that only they can do