Wednesday, October 11, 2006

like a jerk who's a joke

So the creepy neighbor's mail is gone. So either he has two keys and is back and got it himself, or else the post office got mad at him and took it all out. If it's the former, I'm kind of annoyed he hasn't come back to get his key from me and/or yell at me for the shitty job I did. I can't go to him, because the whole premise of this lie is that I "forgot" to do this for him. But I don't want to have his stupid key anymore.

Also, even after the fact that I re-explained new releases to all the people who did stuff with them, and wrote a manifesto about it and posted it up at registers, people are still not alphabetizing them right or stickering them right. It really gets me in a HULK SMASH mood, but I don't know what else I can do. I don't know if people don't listen because they don't want to, people don't listen because I'm not a supervisor, or if they are listening but just really suck/are incredibly stupid.

I've not been called back after my interview on Friday.

I really wish I knew what to do with my life.