Monday, October 30, 2006

I am not fine last night I saw you online

So I just had a fabulous evening full of good people (Opt and the Downstairs Neighbors), good TMBG, and good food (teriyaki chicken & rice, brownies, pineapple).

1) thanks to my parents, they provided the chicken and pineapple. One of my regrets about them finding my old blog (besides them seeing how much they irritate me sometimes, how filthy I am nowadays, the fact that they fucking invaded my privacy) is the fact that I didn't really blog about things I appreciated about them, so they must think I'm a bitch. Anyway they are definately not reading it now, but I really, really do appreciate all the food they bought me and all the other financial help they've given me since I moved out. I feel kind of crappy that I am not totally independent, but it is nice to afford to eat well and also to treat people who have treated me to a meal or two in the past.

2) Thanks to opt, she provided veggies & bread, & TMBG documenteries.

3) Thanks to the neighbors, they provided the brownies.

So of these people, only Opt reads this. I dunno, it's not like I wouldn't be okay with the neighbors reading this (despite the repeated slams against boy downstairs neighbor for having an unhealthy fixation on knives and reading books based on the Magic card game, he would find it amusing). It just doesn't really come up. Plus they don't really have the interweb.

Tomorrow I go back to work, suxx0r. I wish my mini vacation had been less mini. I'm pretty sure whoever did new releases in my absence fucked them up. Unless that person was Kevin. But I doubt it, Kevin probably has more important things.

I do have Noodlemania tomorrow, which is awesome. I will Noodle the town red. I'm not sure who's going to show up, but Opt and Baby Stealer and Nebrasky are definates. Nebrasky even called me up tonight to make sure it was still on (and offered to lean on Thug to come). The Neev and IRTR both sounded like they might come as well. And maybe some of the n00bs read my poster and actually are frickin' coming (doubtful, I apparently have to lean pretty hard on people unless they are friends of mine anyway to get them to come to these things).

Oh by the way apparently Jersey and I are never going to speak again. Unless I get the job at State Farm and end up working with him again. Anyway he is a total weasel, apparently Opt was talking with his girlfriend, who told Opt, who told me, the reason Jersey will not speak to me is he thinks he fucked things up so bad this time it's not worth it to try to save our friendship, it's already over.

WEASEL! WEASELY FUCKING WEASEL FUCKER! If he even tried to appologize in even way I would probably forgive him. I have no balls. He knows this. But I am not going to be the one who comes to him and does all the work. And coming from someone who desperately holds onto all friendships---1) it really hurts to not go ahead and try to make contact with him anyway, but I know he'll never learn if I am all "it's alright nevermind" to him which is basically what he apparently wants and 2) I really don't understand someone who will give up a friendship over one incident. Especially over such a minor one, in this case. All he did was ditch me for the millionth time and get called out on it for once. I don't see that as a friendship ender.