Saturday, October 21, 2006

everything will change oooooooooooo

I'm getting pretty tired of all the BS at work.

Example A: the customers

I don't know if I blogged it, but a dude fuckin' handed me something that had BEEN IN HIS MOUTH the other day. I am not making this up. He had his credit card in his mouth while he was digging through his wallet. And in my head I'm like, "don't pay with that card don't pay with that card don't pay with that card," and of course, he does. I gave him the most disgusted look on earth when he handed it to me, but of course he did not notice. And I knew I couldn't just not take it.

Okay, it's one thing when people lick their finger to go through the money they hand me. It's fucking disgusting and I hate it but people don't even think twice about doing it. And it's another thing when people hand me a book their little kid has slobbered all over. I mean... I rationalize it to myself that a baby is not likely to have very many serious diseases yet. I'm not going to get hep C from a partially digested board book.

But an adult human being handed me something that had been in his mouth less than five seconds prior. Immediately afterwards I called someone up to cover registers while I went and washed my hands.

Today, however, was the crowning achievement. Thoughtlessness of credit card mouth dude at least was not meant as a personal insult.

This dude has something on hold, I find it start ringing it up and he's like, "I think I've had dealings with you before." In this tone of voice that makes it very clear that he hates my guts.

But I play dumb and am like, "Good dealings?" in this syrupy voice. And of course the son of a bitch is like "no," and then angrily stares at me without elaborating the whole rest of the transaction, and then fucking gets on my case when it takes me a couple seconds to count up the pile o' change he hands me (okay, I count/add slower than a lot of people. But dude, it's you're fault it's taking me twice the time I usually take, because I add a lot better when I'm not flustered by severe hatred just wafting off of the person I'm talking to).

I'd like to point out that there's at least a 50% chance that I am not the one he's pissed at. People SUCK at keeping retail drones straight, perhaps because they don't see us as real human beings. I have been mistaken for at least half my female coworkers at various times. I'd also like to point out that there is a 90% chance that whoever offended him probably did not do anything wrong, he's just an asshat who was ready to take offense at anything*. Furthermore, I'd like to point out that in the unlikely case someone from the store really was a jerk to him, he probably deserved it. In fact, I do hope I was the one who pissed him off, so at least I got to stick it to this bastard somehow instead of just facing his wrath for no reason.

Also: who holds onto this stuff for the express purpose of making someone else miserable? what could I have done to this man that was so bad that he not only made a point to remember me (hell, even after today I doubt I remember what he looks like, I definately don't remember what the credit card mouth guy looks like or remembered bastardy guy from whatever altercation we may have had in the past) but to seek me out to make me feel horrible. If you are that upset, you just stop shopping at this place. There is a perfectly good Barnes and Noble just down the street you jerk. If you really fucking have to, complain to a manager and get me in trouble so I know what I did wrong and can avoid pissing off touchy-ass people like you in the future. But coming to my store to make me feel bad for some unknown reason is just shit. Also picking on someone in retail is like kicking a puppy. We're not allowed to defend ourselves at all. We have to bend over and take it!

I dunno. It just really blows that I wasn't promoted, because I think that would've fixed, to some degree, a lot of the problems I have with what I'm currently doing. Number one, obviously, money.

Number 2, I really don't think I would get so angry at people like this, and/or just secretly angry at customers in general if I weren't so burned out on spending 3 hours minimum at registers every day except for mondays, on which I still end up at registers sometimes.

Number 3, when I am not at registers I am always needed on the floor, so I can never get back to the cage to do what I need to do without distractions. I have to keeper and sticker multimedia AT registers. Which makes it so I have to pick up every register assistance call, since I'm right there. Which, there are a lot because it's been busy and the n00bs need lots of help. So I don't get what I need to get done done, and I end up spending all day at registers like I did today. Boss-boss especially cheeses me off, because she'll have me do nothing during the one hour of the day (it's pretty slow right after we open) I could actually be productive, because she is busy with other things (though other managers somehow seem to take me into consideration in the mornings a lot more), and then bring up the things I need, that I can't get to, because I'm not a fucking supervisor, AFTER I have ten million people at registers breathing down my throat.

Number 4, maybe people would fucking LISTEN to me! I don't want to be too critical of new people, because I was new once, and I know I made my share of mistakes. I remember how anal Supertramp was about various things when I started, and I feel like I am turning into him in that respect. Only since I don't have any authority people don't listen or care that when they fuck up it makes a lot more work for me. But I have told everyone the rules on alphabetizing new releases, repeatedly. I have posted them up there in case they get confused. And people still fuck it up! They won't look at the sticker, which I have told them over and over and over again. They somehow manage to fuck up things that the only knowledge needed for is the alphabet! And then they fuck up pricing them too, even when I've gone through and fixed people's shitty alphabetizing. I wouldn't have to depend on retards and fuck ups if they ever gave me enough time to do this myself, but obviously they won't.

Anyway, I'm getting pretty angry. It's insane to compare how much I loved this job a year ago when I started to how angry I am ALL THE TIME now. Like, even if a customer is a decent person but they are just taking a long time to decide on something or dig through their wallet, I secretly hate them. I hate all children, moms, middle aged women, old people, foreigners, the mentally disabled, rich people, pervs, people who listen to popular music or read Oprah books, and probably more just on principle when I see them walking up. That is a lot of hatred to carry around and it feels horrible.

But on the other hand, most of the other jobs I think I could get I would hate just as much or more.

Lastly, this is only a moderate annoyance and only moderately related to work but I felt like throwing it in. I mean it's definately related to work, but it's one person, and given how great most of the rest of my coworkers are, it doesn't feel like, "one more thing about work I hate!" it's more like, "man, that so-and-so is a douche, I feel like complaining about it." Anyway I was at registers the other day and someone had a book that was only 20% off and it was stickered 30% off. So I gave the person the 30% off but was trying to get the rest of the books like that priced properly, only I couldn't do it myself because I was at registers. So I kind of float the problem over the wire and hope someone's not too busy or too much of a slacker to respond and help. So Sexy responds, I tell him to look up the proper price in what we call "the book bible." And 20% is right. So he goes to section, everything there is 20%. I tell him to check display too, and he's all "I don't know how to check for that. Which... is basically using the book bible, which he just did, and he should fuckin' know how to use it by now. So I tell him if he comes up to register and covers for five minutes I'll do it my damn self. And he's like, "no, I have to go on break now, Lister said." And I'm like, "WELL TELL RENEGADE OR SOMEONE TO DO IT, SERIOUSLY MAN." And then he decides to try doing it himself after all. Man that guy is incompetant. I highly suspect he is also the reason for the children's audio books I found in children's music today.

* Seriously, we got an angry phone call the other day from this woman who was mad that her cashier said "have a nice day" instead of "thank you" at the end of the transaction.