Thursday, August 03, 2006


It's kind of funny, today I was talking to the trainer (weirdly enough i don't think I ever came up with a name for her, she's pretty cool and I like her an dall, but she doesn't really feature in my anecdotes that often) and she was asking me if the new RHCP album was family friendly, because her daughter wants it. And I couldn't remember or not but there's no parental advisory on it, so I said something like, "Well there's no advisory, but it IS the chili peppers, I wouldn't really put it past them to stick something dirty in." But then it turned out her kid is sixteen. Flow Chart and I were kind of like, "eh, nothing she's never heard before," and she was like, "yes, but I don't want to condone it."

So... I found that interesting. By the time I was thirteen I was freely buying albums with parental advisorys on (and I wasn't doing it before then because I wasn't interested in music more than I'd been barred from it) and had been watching R rated movies since I was like ten. Maybe younger, I can't really remember a time before I didn't watch them all the time with my parents. I remember a few times being suprised and irritated when I went to see an R movie without them and forgetting that they wouldn't let me in.

But I am seriously the most sheltered person I know. Or at least was until a few years ago. I blame it on having no friends till high school, and then they were all churchy people. So anyway I guess what I have to say to parents everywhere, if you're really serious about sheltering the hell out of your kids: shake down the friends, ignore the music. And also don't let them talk to anyone on the internet.

In other news a conversation from the internet:

Me: fact: spongebob mac & cheese does not really resemble spongebob or his friends
Ryan: does it taste like them?/
Me: I've never tasted them before
Me: but if they are delicious
Ryan: haha
Me: man I hope I get that promotion
Me: because mac and cheese is nice
Me: but I'd like to afford other things as weel
Ryan: haha yeah
Ryan: it's not that nice
Me: spongebob mac and cheese certainly isn't
Me: I got it because it said it had vitamins in it
Me: for my growing body
Me: but it doesn't taste as good
Me: bizarre texture, and strangely, synthetic vitamins don't taste delicious :P
Me: maybe I really was eating sponge
Me: "haha, you misread, it's not spongeBOB"
Ryan: "bob's sponge"
Me: that's even grosser to me because I know a guy named bob
Me: and I would not eat anything that ever touched him
Me: the one thing I like is that he calls himself bobby and I can be like, "dammit, bobby!"
Me: "that boy ain't right"
Ryan: only if you say it in that voice
Me: I do my best to say it in that voice
Me: I also deface all the things he's (for some reason) labeled "Bobby's Stuff" by replacing stuff with world
Me: man, this is how much freaking sugar I eat:
Me: when I try to eat less sugar, and I don't mean like unreasonably litte, just cutting back a little, I just fricking start binging on it after a day
Me: because I already miss sugar that much
Ryan: haha that's definitely not good
Ryan: arrite, it's time for sleep
Ryan: I'll talk to you tomorrow
Me: yeah well I think I am gaining weight. Because while I moved out of my parents house full of crap, at work we still have all that candy
Me: so I am trying to be healthier
Me: and failing
Ryan: stop getting fat!
Me: stop sleeping all the damned time!
Ryan: man I bet I sleep less than you
Me: I bet you can suck it!
Ryan: and I'm still exhausted from all the craziness from moving
Ryan: and how life likes to give me the finger
Me: I'm exhausted from having a horrible life
Me: does that count?
Ryan: kind of
Me: you know how people who are depressed sleep all the time?
Me: that's me