Sunday, July 16, 2006

They tremble with the nervous thought of having been at last forgot

So this is my new blog. Because my parents found the old one. Really, I should've been more careful, I used to pull it up on the home computer all the time. Still I don't know if it gives them (or maybe her, I'm pretty sure this is my mom's doing) the right.

...damn, I just tried pasting in an AIM convo, and it didn't work the way it should on here. Stupid... blogger. If I don't figure out how to do that this is going to suck because we all know how much I like to post AIM convo.

Yeah, I'm reduced to using "convo" instead of my patented short-term for conversations, because I'm afraid they'll do a search on the word and find it. I'm going to have to alter some of my strange nicknames for people too.

Damn stupid..... things.

Anyway I thought I had a lot built up since I hadn't posted in awhile, but I don't really. I guess all you really need to know right now is that World of Warcraft is ruining my life.


Terrace said...

Oh, you know your mother will have to make a comment about what you left on your old blog.. very nice by the way

Phoex said...

haha, thanks. I thought of various things, but in the end I had to go with that.