Sunday, July 30, 2006

a box of candy smoke in your hair

I dunno if it was the switch to avoid the parents spying on me or what, but I do not feel the urge to blog like I once did. I mean, I do get the nerdy, "I should blog this later" thought when somthing happens to me.... but then I never remember to when I actuall sit down at the computer.

Life's going much as usual, except the bowels have been ultra painful for a bit over a month now. So... at least it started before I moved out, so it doesn't mean moving did it, right?

I hope not.

It also kind of sucks that it happened not long after Vegas, which was the best week and then some I've had bowel-wise in like the last five years. Whenever I've had a particularly good period, I am ultra wimpy the next time a bad spot comes around. It's like "whatever doesn't kill you will make you stronger--for a little while, then you get weak again unless it starts happening again right away."

Lastly, the real suck: I have various forms of sickness it seems. Gassiness, painfulness, sickness, frequentness, disgustingness all vary. And while I don't like it when the others go up, I particularly hate when painfulness (especially coupled with frequentness) goes up. It really fuckin' hurts. It's like when you stretch and get a cramp in your arm, only it's at the center of your being, and it's for twenty minutes at a time, over and over. FOR OVER A MONTH.

So.... yeah. That ended up being all about poo. Hrm.


Phoex said...

OP is cool :D I'm sure the word op is used all over the interweb :P