Sunday, August 30, 2009

So, I hung out with my dad and sister & her family yesterday. The 'Phew made up some awesome jokes.

Q. Why did the duck cross the street?
A. He wanted to get hit by a car

Q. Why did the witch make the train come to life?
A. She wanted to make a robot train

There were more, but it was hard to remember them all, they were all so awesome.

Friday, August 28, 2009

This was orig. an email to Ryan, but I just need everyone to know how comprehensive my love of buddy cops and finding relationships like that in my own life is:

OH PS Reading about buddy cops on the blog also made me realize I have a buddy cop at work, and it makes me SO FUCKING HAPPY I can't even tell you. In this case, I am the one too old for this shit because he is ridonkulously younger than me (I told you I work with 18 year olds) but we're always working on projects together and the other day I really felt the buddy cop vibe with him. Complete buddycopdom (not that I don't have elements of the buddycop relationship with others) seems to require:

1) we work on something together. Though I didn't know it at the time, there was a guy who was my reporter all the time at TV-10 who was totally buddy cops with me, even to the point that we had to ride around in the same car all the time. This guy reminds me of that guy.

2) When we're around a third person who clearly thinks we are insane and/or complete idiots, and that happened the other day. It is cemented: I have a buddy cop at work.

I feel like I also have elements of buddycopdom with Todd who sits next to me at work too. Again, I'm pretty sure the people who sit around us think we are idiots.

I dunno, complete buddycopdom is something special... it only ever seems to happen with dudes, but I'm never actually attracted to them. Most of the time I'm not even friends with them outside of work. But somehow..... really nice to have.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So I gave a speech at Toastmaster's today. I feel like I do better when I don't rehearse, actually. Though... maybe that's laziness. Anyway, I did alright. I spoke about dinner with my sister not too long ago (posted the story on Aug 22) and everyone thought it was pretty funny. Kids do, indeed, say the darndest things.

I'm 6 out of ten speeches to be a competent communicator! 1 project away from being a competent leader! A few months of doing what I'm already doing to an Advanced Leader Bronze. Suck on that, world!

Monday, August 24, 2009

So my dad stopped by unexpectedly today. He wanted to look at my car; I have a busted tire. Thankfully, it wasn't slashed again, I ran over a screw, apparently.

I got up the courage, and asked him if he's dating Judy. His answer, "Kinda maybe sorta." Apparently he thinks they might be but nothing's been actively discussed. He says that at his age, and with his family's history of Alzheimer's, not to mention the fact that "I look in the mirror and I haven't gotten any better looking over the years," he's not sure why anyone would bother. I pointed out my grandpa and his girlfriend are even older. Anyway, it's all good, whatever they are to each other.

This week should be good, I took Thurs & Fri off as a whim so I'll have a block of 4 days free after Tues. Also, Cash for Clunkers is almost over, thank god. We've gotten a million calls about it, and half the time we can't even help the person and they get angry. Tomorrow and then done. I mean... we've been in queue for a long time now, so maybe we still will be even after all of this. But hopefully less in queue.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

So.... on OKCupid, under "What I do on a Friday Night" I have:

Counting the pile of dead babies in my garage. It's actually quite time consuming, because I'll stop to masturbate and lose count. Plus I don't count very well anyway, so its this whole big frustrating thing.

And this guy instant messaged me:

so is everything in ur profile true....even the what i do on friday nights? :P

hahah man I feel like I'll disappoint you
but no, the state took away my dead babies
now I just use dolls with the eyes goughed out
gouged, even

i was concentrating more on the masturbating thing lol
no dead babies is good

nah, I can't get hard anymore now that they're not real babies

......and then he stopped replying. I wonder why.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I had some good times with my sister's family tonight. It was her birthday on Mon, and I missed the family get together last Saturday (they didn't tell me anything about it until Fri night and I didn't feel like changing my plans at that point, then my plans did change anyway, but I didn't feel like doing the family thing anyway at that point). See.... her kids can be nightmares and sometimes: I'm just not in the mood.

But tonight was awesome. 'Phew Harder (about 2 years old)'s diaper leaked, so they needed to change his pants last minute, and none that fit him were clean. So he had pants on that were a little big. We go out to dinner, and my sister and I were busy ordering, and The 'Phew (about 5) starts freaking out about something. We turn around, and 'Phew Harder has pulled his pants down and is walking around the restaurant with them around his ankles. My sister and I are laughing crazy hard. The guy at the counter is clearly not amused.

So we sit down and are eating. About 1/2 way through the meal, the 'Phew announces, "My daddy made me smell his butt." Again, we all start dying laughing, while the 'Phew keeps earnestly trying to convince us, "He really did!" This goes on for nearly the rest of the meal.

Then, 'Phew Harder finishes before everyone is done, and wants to run through the restaurant..... with his pants around his ankles. He manages to do it several times. the 'Phew insisted on narrating it as well, "Mommy! He pulled his pants off again! Now he's running!" 'Phew Harder was making us laugh so hard that the 'Phew started to try getting his pants off to get the same laughs, but my sister managed to convince him not to.

Of course, later, when we got to their house there were the inevitable hissy fits or whatever. The 'Phew is extremely bossy and gets mad if you don't do everything he says, and 'Phew harder is extremely moody and will get mad for no apparent reason at times. And my brother in law gets extremely angry at them, and it's a whole big thing. But at least I got some laughs out of it.

In other news, I am now fairly sure that my dad is dating a lady named Judy. My orig. suspicion came when he told me she was coming to his house to help put things away (he'd had to take a bunch of stuff out of his closets because they were being painted, and was putting it all back) the other day. I mean.... you have to really like someone to help put their shit away, right? Also: he's been playing golf with her a lot. And he HATES golf.

So now that I was alone with my sister's family, I decided to inquire if they knew anything about this Judy. I said, "Hey, is dad dating a lady named Judy?"

My brother in law was immediately like, "HA!" and my sister was like, "Don't give him more ammunition!" Apparently they had been arguing whether or not dad's been dating this woman for a little while now. They didn't know the closet thing, but apparently my dad's been hanging out with her all the time and telling them stories his hanging out with her. According to my brother in law and his friend Nick, "No guy will do all that stuff with a lady unless he's interested in her." According to my sister, "You know dad! He's a friendly guy, and he's bored a lot." Her defense about the closet thing is, "She's retired and widowed like dad. She's probably just bored." Dude, I don't care how bored I am, I'm not helping clean someone's house for them unless we are super duper close. I didn't even help my own dad put his stuff away! Though--I was sick at the time.

Anyway, it seems fast, but if he's happy I'm happy for him. The only thing is, since her name is Judy, I can't get this song out of my head. She's not that kind of girl, booger!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So here's a review of the Time Traveler's Wife. No one probably cares, but I'm itching to get it out of me.

So I had expectations, because I read the book. I expected something wonderful.

But I also know there are very few things based on a book that are as good as the book.

Anyway, the basic premise of the book is that there's a guy who time travels. But it's not a scientific advancement, it's a genetic affliction he has. I call it an affliction, because it's completely involuntary and causes him quite a lot of trouble, inconvenience, and even mortal danger at times. For whatever reason, the time traveling often takes him back to places or people that are important in his life. One of these places is this meadow where his wife grew up. So for her, when they first meet, he's like in his 40's or something, and she's 6. For him, when they first meet, they're more even ages and he has no idea who she is though she's known him as a semi-regular fixture in her life since she was a child.

It's not a science fiction novel. That is, it's not written like a science fiction novel, and they keep it in the "literature" section, not the science fiction section. And I know tons of people who wouldn't be caught dead reading sci fi who love this novel. It's won tons of awards, has been a huge bestseller, etc. etc.

Anyway, I don't really recommend seeing it to anyone, now that I've seen it. It's fairly faithful to the original work, in that they didn't add anything bad. But it's so.... shallow. There's no real reason to like or dislike the characters, or for the characters to even be together, except "destiny." But while the book does say that things can't be changed or prevented when he's going back in time (such as the car accident that killed his mother), it doesn't act like they're together because they have to. It is the other way around, he is drawn to her past because he already loves her in the present. And they have personalities, so you see why they love each other. I dunno, I'd hoped it'd be somewhat more like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind... I felt like those characters and their unconventional/tragic love story were fleshed out, so I thought it was possible these characters and their unconventional/tragic love story could be fleshed out. But... maybe it's just better as a book.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I had a crazy, epic long dream last night. Probably really boring, so skip it unless you're into that.

So it started out that I was going away for a weekend for the wedding of one of my friends from high school. There was this really awkward communal shower thing going as far as bathroom arrangements. Creepy.

Also there: a chick I used to work with at Borders, and two characters from a TV show I've been watching on Hulu recently (Kyle XY... I feel so lame, it's supposed to be sci fi, but it's actually really adolescent soap opera-y as well... not to mention having originally aired on "ABC Family." But, for what it is, it's good, and I have no life, so I watch it... better than ALF at least, right?). Then somehow it came out that the Borders chick was related to the Kyle XY people.

I was with a bunch of people who were basically strangers to me, and I was nervous, but eventually I got to really like them and want to be friends. I think there was even bowling involved, which I normally dislike.

Then the wedding ended in this crazy holographic ghost thing, I don't even know how to describe it. Like there was the actual wedding, then someone had hired some special effects guy to make it look like ghosts in the house were having a wedding afterwards. In the dream it was really cool, though I think it would be kind of creepy, like "why have dead people at your wedding?" in real life. The people getting married weren't even goth or anything.

Then afterwards when we went home, my mom wanted to see the pictures or something, so she insisted on taking me to my old high school, which is apparently where the bride was hanging out. It was really depressing going back to school, because there had been a lot of changes to both the building, and the people there. Though, a guy I work with now was somehow the assistant principal, and talking to him was alright.

The bride had a big bowl of starburst candy at the table. I think it was because I was mad jonesing for some earlier yesterday and couldn't find any at work (80 vending machines, one convenience store, no starburst? Lame). Yep, that's the one part of the dream I can explain. I saw some of the people from the wedding, but now that we weren't all stuck in a house together, they didn't seem that interested in being friends.

Then I was sort of lost outside the school, I couldn't find my mom anymore. I was trying to get back to where our car was but I couldn't find it. So then I decided to run home on foot. But there was slippery ice and I kept falling down. THen I somehow ended up in a car driving, but I couldn't open my eyes up all the way to see what I was doing. Then I woke up.
It was dreary outside. And I was dreary inside. And it's a good song.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I feel like I'm repeating some stupid cycle over and over again. Like that saying that the definition of craziness is doing the same thing over and over and thinking that you'll get a different result from the times before. But I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

When I was in high school, I made friends. All of them hated growing up in Bloomington Normal and got out as fast as they could. We lost contact.

When I worked at Borders, I made friends. All of them hated Bloomington Normal and saw it as a minor detour on their way to other, better places. All the ones I was close to moved. We lost contact.

This latest batch of friends, I was sort of adopted by because I was friends with one of them already. I thought it'd be different. She grew up here, went to college here, was stuck two hours away and was constantly looking for a way to get back here. The rest went to college here and had lived here several years since then, had good jobs here. One owned a house here. They weren't temporary people, I thought. But now, most of the group moved or are in the process of moving. I don't want to, but we'll probably lose contact.

But another theme though my life is I have is of people getting angry at me or bored with me somehow and purposefully losing contact. I mentioned that that happened with Rebecca to Connie at work once. She said Rebecca was stupid and I'm a good friend. But I have to think that opinion is because Connie doesn't really know me very well outside of work. I have to think Rebecca didn't plan anything like this from the start, and probably would've said the same about anyone else who blew me off back when we were close. What is it about me that doesn't inspire a lasting friendship? Am I whiney? Annoying? Boring?

I guess I'm depressed about it because Josh and I had a fight. Though I'm shitty at reading him, even worse than I am about reading people anyway, I don't think it's a friendship-ending fight. At least I hope it isn't. But the thing that really bothered me is what caused the fight: the fact that he was bored hanging out with me this time. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, even longer than the usual, and I had been looking forward to seeing him. When we hang out is the only time I really get to talk to him, he doesn't really seem interested in talking to me when he's not over here, even the few times our schedules do align. I guess he doesn't like talking as much as I do, or thinks I'm not into activities his other friends are, or there's just not much to do at my house because I don't have cable or video games. But he doesn't like hanging out at his house either.

Anyway, when he said he wanted to leave early, even though I had already taken Sunday off of work just to hang out with him, I was upset. I didn't mean to be a dick to him, but I pretty much made him immediately so I could be alone to cry and watch ALF. I didn't mean to take it out on him or anything, it's not his fault if I'm boring or whatever. I am just terrified that I'll lose the only friend I have left in this area. But the harder I try to hold onto him, the more uncomfortable it is for him, and it just drives him further away.

Also: Tina, if you're reading this: I hadn't called you last week because I had the sore throat. Archie called me today to see if I'd talk to you because you were stressed out about his stupid relatives, and I lied and pretended I had to go to work today. But the reality is 1) I didn't want to bother you with my stupid bullshit if you were already stressed 2) I don't like Archie telling me what to do, esp. since I don't want him or you to think I called you just because he called me, and I had planned to call you tomorrow anyway way before this--I typically don't call you on weekends because you have him there with you and you're usually busy doing projects with him.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I've got my job at Toastmasters back whoo whoo. Though, they actually lectured me enough beforehand that I was really tempted to tell them to shove it.

Seriously: long, long talk on how important it is to take everything about Toastmaster's seriously, and what a responsibility it is, blah blah blah.

Fuck you, I'm not a child. You don't have to make me understand how important it is to wipe my ass after I shit.

I wasn't appointed to the UN.

I'm not Spiderman, and my lapse in judgement didn't coincidently kill Uncle Ben. I don't have great power, there isn't great responsibility.

I'm not getting paid.

My job is not rocket surgery.

No one will die.

The oceans won't boil into space, the mountains will not crumble.

Your organization isn't as fucking important as you think it is.

It's a fun hobby. It's a great way to develop leadership and speaking skills. It's a great way to meet people. You earn little initials you can put after your name that look good to employers. A degree of professionalism should be required, yes. But it is not the alpha and omega of my life, and I really don't think it should be either.

I dunno.... even though the Prez was mad at me, and did want to give me the same consequences as the others, I admire her more and more for the fact that she didn't treat me like a child as the others did. She was like (ok I'm paraphrasing, but still) look, you fucked up, this is why you shouldn't fuck up, here are the consequences. Whereas the others, as I said, feel the need to rhapsodize at length on what a disservice I did to the club and the organization and how important my role is and how ignorant I am about the importance of toastmasters to let them down this way I am and how they hope I take this second chance seriously and blahdy blahdy blahdy bullshit.

Well joke's on them, I WON'T take it seriously. I still put a LOT of things in my life way before Toastmasters. Oh, I'm not saying I won't do an excellent job, because I will, because, as I've said before, IT'S NOT BRAIN SCIENCE.

Oh, and you know why the decision was repealed? Like 30% of the division didn't get trained. HA! I'm not the only one, motherfuckers!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meh... I can't sleep. And I had other stuff I meant to say in the last post only it became a ramble about my throat.

Oh, plus I have even more throat news: I was webmding it up, and I have to give props to the doctors, it actually does seem more like they maybe got it right with strep. The only thing that worries me is apparently rabbits can catch strep too and I'd been interacting my rabbit as much as usual the last few days, which I probably shouldn't've. I don't want 007 to feel crappy like I do... nor do I want to drive to champaign and pay a vet bill.

Speaking of, at work:

Sally: *talking about this school called Parkland*
Me: Where is Parkland, anyway?
Sally: Champaign
Me: Oh, that's where I had my rabbit's testicles removed!

Anyway, there is more Toastmaster soap opera... at this point it doesn't even really annoy me, since I already thought it was done I'm not emotionally invested at this point. But anyway, something or other came down from the District* leadership because a bunch of other people missed training, that there has to be make-up training. Well... the prez of my club didn't think I should get an exception just for me RE: training, but if a bunch of other people get make-up training, I should to. The area governor apparently agrees with her. But I guess the division leadership is fighting her on it or something.

Which... I know the division governor, and he takes Toastmasters a a bit too seriously. A prev. officer of my club was talking to me at one point about how he was all trying to make her go out of her way to do training and stuff back in the day (though--she had more leverage than I do in turning it all down, no one wanted her post and she said she wouldn't do a bunch of extra crap from the very beginning. It took a lot of nudging to get her to take the office to begin with). And I sort of get why he's SO into Toastmasters. He's like 70 and has the same piece of shit job I do. In fact, I admire him--I would be so fucking bitter at that point, but instead he makes the most of it, esp. by throwing himself so far into Toastmasters. And he's a genuinely nice guy who's gone out of his way more than once to help me with Toastmaster things. But... it does seem like he could relax a little bit if the District is mandating this, and the Prez (who was also none too happy that I f-ed up) & Area Governor are going along with it.

I have had "Boombox" and "I'm on a Boat" from Incredibad stuck in my head for like three days straight.

My friend Todd at work is getting more and more bitter, which makes me sad, because he's the most positive of my group in general. He actually LIKES customers, that crazy S.O.B. But, even for him it's wearing thin. We have been super busy for like the last month. Because of the economy & cutbacks and all that, they've let us know that they are more than prepared to keep us understaffed for the foreseeable future. I don't like it, but sort of understand that it's business, and am glad that they aren't laying people off. But he sort of takes it personally. Today he was saying, "The way they keep us in queue all day, you can tell they've never taken a call themselves. It's like on the old Roman galleys... the guy cracking the whip doesn't care about the people rowing."

I was pretty bitter too, though. Between the sore throat, the constant queue, and the customer who called me a "stupid bitch" and hung up on me because I didn't get the spelling of his crazy name correct the very first time when he rattled it off a thousand miles per hour. Oh also yesterday I had a customer specifically ask to be transferred to another rep because she didn't like my voice. Every time I think there's no new way to insult my voice, someone finds it. Though... oddly, like a week ago, for the first time, I actually had a lady compliment my voice. She said it was "slammin'" and that she hoped I was in a choir. My mental sarcasm scan came out clean.

I don't know if it's just the queue, but it feels like my group is getting more and more upset. Sally got in trouble for a really dumb thing and her supervisor treats her like she's a three year old. Todd, like I said, gets really frustrated about the queue. Connie and I are extremely frustrated at our lack of success in getting promoted. Connie, esp, being like 50, blames her age, and then also lack of college education. I tell her I'm not getting anywhere either, but she still holds to the orig. belief.

I'm getting angry because even though I HAVE had to go to the colon doctor more than once this year (blood in the stool--I feel like I have to get that stopped) I still don't qualify for FMLA... I think it's some retarded thing about me being part time. You know what dude, my colitis isn't part time. If I have to poop, I have to poop, and unless you can bring a computer to me in the toilet, there are just some days I'm going to have to call in. But telling people that doesn't seem to work. And my supervisor seems to think my spotty attendance record is why I'm not being promoted. And that's why I've been working all week though my throat feels like shit.

* from small to big: club, area, division, district. There may be a few in between or something, but there you go.
I had something I wanted to blog the other day but didn't because it was busted again.... I'm really getting fed up. I don't understand, either. Like every other thing googley works like a charm. Blogger used to have problems before google took it over, then they stopped, and now years later it's worse than it ever was. I can't really remember. Eh, whatever.

Anyway, since Weds evening I've had a horrible sore throat... and no other cold or whatever symptoms. I orig. thought it was rock band related, because I sang till I was past hoarse--hey, it's the last time I'm going to play it, why not? But it kept on and on. I don't know if the rockband thing made it more susceptible to infection or if it's a coincidence, but... ow.

I fiiiinally gave up and went to a doctor today... I'm not 100% sure if he knew anything or cared at all. He says it's most likely strep or mono, and considering I have no other symptoms, I do not think it is strep or mono. But they gave me antibiotics so hopefully whatever the hell else it is dies.

But I have been going to work despite the sore throat, because my attendance is not so stellar. Actually, for awhile it was the sort of sore throat that really hurt to swallow but not that much to talk.... but today started really hurting at the end. So I'm working tomorrow, because (due to pure coincidence) I only have to be on the phone like one hour, the rest I'm doing other meetings and things. Weds is my day off. Then I took most of Thurs off (if you do it ahead of time your attendance isn't damaged) and then most of Fri off (which I was anyway because Josh is coming over). Hopefully I feel better by then.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Oh my god... the most hilarious thing:

I'm petting 007 he's all relaxed and stretched out.

I have like a really loud fart.... and he bolts halfway across the room like a monster is hot on his heels. I have another one.... and he goes the rest of the way. I have a third one, and he freezes.

Poor bunny.... the smell hasn't even gotten to him yet

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Monday, August 03, 2009


The Toastmasters stuff is now resolved. Though I orig. thought the only reason to go to the training I missed was for President's Distinguished Award, which was already fulfilled, the real reason is that I don't get credit for being Sgt. at Arms if I don't.

My side:

--I think the training I missed is BS. I already have a booklet about the job and have learned from the lady who previously did it. The guy who locally taught the training hasn't even served in the position, so what would he know that I couldn't get out of reading whatever he did?

--they train every six months, we only elect new officers every year. You'd think fucking going to the other six months training would count, since it's the same shit, but you have to go twice

--they offered make up training last year. The reason it's not allowed this year is because we have a different Division governor, and he decided this awhile ago. It sounds like he just basically doesn't want to deal with it rather than anything about teaching me responsibility or anything. I mean I know it was irresponsible for me to miss it, but it seems irresponsible to not help me (or anyone like me) just because he doesn't feel like it.

--the thing I've already said about the board members of Toastmasters really thinking Toastmasters is more important than it already is. "Dude, this is a hobby, I'm already doing everything fine without training, there's no money involved, just let me do what I'm doing." "No, our bylaws say you need training!" I think it's a little lame you basically only get one shot. Your punishment for missing that one shot is having to drive five hours to a different one. Your punishment for not going to those is being forced out of office. Dude, I'm sorry that I'm absentminded and don't drive well.

--this is an elected position. 1) I ran unopposed. No one else wants to do this job. So stop telling me about squandering an opportunity someone else wanted. 2) Shouldn't the people who elected me decide whether or not I fucked up bad enough to be replaced, rather than the higher ups?

Their side:

--They told me OVER AND OVER what date/time etc. the local meeting was and I promised up and down I would go.

--They told me up and down (I don't remember this, but it sounds plausible, as I started tuning out stuff about how important this meeting is after they'd told me how important it was over and over) ALL the reasons I should be going to this meeting.

So since I sorta saw their side (and they are my friends and I don't want to be a dick to them) I didn't really make a thing about it. I guess they're going to elect someone for the morning meetings who gets credit, and then have me still do the job at night (I offered, so I could look like the noble one who cares more about this than the credit--plus I get time off the phone to do this).

The other thing they didn't really like is I notified the Prez I hadn't gone, and she said I couldn't get credit. I figured I could get a make up set up, because I know the guy who taught the local class and he loves ribs so I was going to bribe him into doing it for me with food. But first I wanted to make sure it counted, so I asked this guy who knows EVERYTHING about Toastmasters to see if there was some sort of loophole and that I could make the make up count.

Well, the guy who knows everything is the Division Governor, and the rib guy is the Area Governor, and they thought I was being a dick going over the Prez's head. I didn't really think about it as going over heads, I was thinking, "who is the Toastmasters freak who knows about all their stupid bylaws."

So I dunno what the Area governor really thinks about this, because I never contacted him. The Prez was mad at me but cordial about it. The division governor was mad and, I thought, rather snippy to me about it. So this was the verdict. They weren't total dicks though, I did offer to give my Sgt. at Arms pin back (toastmasters gouges individual clubs on the costs for little rewards like that) and they let me keep it.

Oh the last annoying thing is I still have to go to board meetings (which I hated going to in the first place) but now I don't get a vote on stuff. I think they did that to make me feel better about things, but they didn't know I freaking HATE board meetings. I'm thinking of gradually ceasing to attend them. Or suddenly ceasing to attend them.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

So I had a weirdly great conversation with someone who works in a different department. I'm going to apply for a job in that dept, and my supervisor has been encouraging me to consult with other people working in the dept. so that I have "done my homework" so to speak in researching the opening. Usually I either go with someone she knows or just randomly look up someone in the dept. that works under the supervisor I am interviewing with. But this time I actually had the option of going with someone I know--the person they chose over me the last time I interviewed.

Her and I had actually not known each other that well at the time, haven't talked since, but I felt like she would remember me because we actually had this one sort of defining conversation not too long before she left. I had been to this BS "group interview" for a different position. I was crying on the way out, and this was a year ago when I had everything horrible happening to me. I'm doing my best to get out of the building so I can go and cry in private, but of course--on the way out I see someone else from my department. I try to avoid her, but she stops me and we talk. It actually was a good talk. She had had a family member die recently, and had been trying to get out of the CRC for several years, so she really knew a lot of the stuff I was going through.

So she did remember me, and gave me a lot of good information for the job. But we also just talked a lot about the CRC, and my mom/her family member again, and a lot of just random things. The call actually ended because the phone got cut off--I might've called her back to say goodbye, but I reeeeally had to pee and 007 needed to be fed. It makes me want the job even more, because now I feel like I already would have a friend in the dept. I'm going to. I guess I'll see how that goes though.

In other news: 007 is the cutest thing in the world. Today he was hopping around behind this cardboard box. I couldn't see him, except when he hopped, just his little fat butt would come up. I laughed, and it would startle him and he'd stick his cute little ears and beady little eyes up above the cardboard to see what the noise was. Then he'd go back to hopping. Eventually I wouldn't be able to help myself laughing again, and the cycle was then repeated several times. A-freaking-dorable.